Subcontractor Requirements/Qualifications

To qualify as a Subcontractor for Ganaway Contracting Company, the following requirements must be met:

  1. A Certificate of Liability Insurance needs to be mailed directly from your insurance agent. A sample certificate is attached for your convenience. It MUST include General Liability , Commercial Automobile and Worker’s Compensation with the limits indicated AND listing Ganaway Contracting as the additional insured with respects to your General Liability and Commercial Auto. Insurance Certificates that do not include these items will not be accepted.
  2. A completed Form W-9 emailed. Go to to obtain the most current form. Please note: If a Social Security # is provided, an individual’s name MUST appear in the first box labeled “Name (as shown on your income tax return)”.

Waiver Forms

Subcontractors – with every submitted pay application, if you have suppliers you will need to submit a supplier waiver. For your use, if needed, we have four samples attached that may be used based on the circumstances at the date of the pay application. These waivers are:

Should you have any questions about these items, please feel free to contact our office at:
PHONE (770) 650-7722
FAX (770) 650-7728
Thank you and we look forward to working with you!
Bethany N. Beekman
VP of Finance
Ext. 102